Sunday, February 17, 2008

I have friend that already Backpacked in Bolivia

Ok let's call her, we arranged everything and one week later we were having dinner with Damian's friend Sabrina. We were all talking about the excitement of going Backpacker, in my case after 4 years of my last Backpacking experience.... and she started to enumerate all the things she did on her trip while backpacking around Bolivia.

Then she told us about the need to visit a doctor to get some advices, medicines and Vaccines applied because of the dangers for travelers, specially to backpackers for the type of hostels and transportations that they use.

We finished dinner I went back home, only thinking about this new backpacking trip that seemed to be so different to my backpacking trip around Europe, where everything was clean and tidy... and now I had to visit a doctor and get prepared to face this new place right there, in the north of the country where I lived almost all my life.

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