Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Backpacker needs to find his Backpack and stuff

So there I was waiting just for the nights to pass, getting ready for my Backpacking trip to Bolivia but for that I needed to find My Backpack, wash it up, and check if it was ready to roll on a new Backpacking adventure.

Last time I got to use it, was on my Backpacking around Europe with my best 3 friends. So I looked for it, and I got it all set right there next to my bed, just a couple of nights before starting packing for my Backpacking experience to Bolivia.

I also went to the Doctor to get some of the vaccines I was told to take, plus some interesting things that I needed to gather to be properly equipped for the days to come.

So time was running fast, and I needed to be ready I even bought a Diary with the goal to make a Backpacker Diary during my trip.

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